Temiskaming Hospital’s Spiritual Care Services assists patients, families and hospital staff in drawing upon their own religious beliefs and spiritual resources as they seek to face the challenge or crisis before them. It includes being a supportive presence offering religious rites, rituals and prayers, facilitating a holistic approach to health care and healing.

What  We  Do:

  • Spiritual Visitations – Thursday afternoons by on call clergy;
  • Facilitate contact with patients' own clergy when requested;
  • Visit patients, their families and friends;
  • Offer support and comfort;
  • Provide spiritual care during times of confusion, fear and crisis;
  • Assist patients and families confronting a serious or terminal illness;
  • Provide support and consultation when difficult ethical decisions are being faced by families and staff;
  • Assist families and friends who are grieving;
  • Consult with the health care team;
  • Respond to emergencies as requested;
  • Offer immediate and on-going support to parents who have miscarriages or early baby deaths;
  • Annual Memorial Service - For all patients who pass away at Temiskaming Hospital;
  • Provide worship services.

Temiskaming Hospital’s Spiritual Care Services are available upon request and our staff are happy to assist you in arranging this service.

Click here for a list of local spiritual care contacts.