Ron Scriven has decided to step down as Board Chair effective February 23, 2016 due to health reasons. He will continue on the Executive Committee until the June Annual General Meeting (AGM). 

“I have enjoyed my term at the Hospital and seen it successfully through a number of milestones, for example, wrestling the financial situation to achieve stability this year. We called that Getting our House in Order. Now, we are focusing on Care Close to Home.  That’s all about access and coordination or working with our partners on the actual transition of care between us and the community, home and primary care organizations.   We are very interested in using our space, at the Hospital for these kinds of agencies and our patients.”

John Rowsell, the Hospital Board’s First Vice-Chair and the Chairperson of the Strategic Planning Sub-Committee and the Quality Committee has accepted the role of Acting Board Chair until the AGM. He said:” I am pleased to help out. I hope Ron can return in June.”